Volume 001 | Did you know that the Clabbert has a pimlpe-like pustule on it's forehead which can help it sense danger? They are often used and sold as potion ingredients.

Are you interested in the fantastic magical beasts of our world? Have you ever wondered what it would require to have creatures such as Jobberknolls or even Lethifolds as pets? Then fear no more! Through Northwoods Magical Encounters you get to learn more about your upcoming pet, alongside what it would require of you to hold it. Make sure to read every edition, and you will soon find the perfect pet for you!

Today's topic is the wonderful... Clabbert!

What does the creature look like?

Some people say that this creature looks like a mix between a frog and a monkey, but personally, I believe it resembles the chameleon we know from the muggle world very much. It's feet and hands are webbed - much like a frog, and it is said to have both horns and sharp teeth - quite terrifying! It also has a pustule on it's head, which turns red whenever it senses danger. The creature itself is actually green, and has quite smooth skin, it is said.

What is its abilities?

The Clabbert is not the most dangerous creature that you can find, which means it does not have many abilities either. Since it lives in trees, it is a quite good jumper and climber, and especially its hands and feet helps it move easily around in the trees. Of course, its biggest ability is its pustule, which turns red whenever it sanses danger and is, therefore, a very good guard system.


Where does it usually live?

The Clabbert is actually one of few creatures which you can find worldwide! It mostly exists within Southern America, but as time has gone by and wizarding families have settled down, they have brought the creatures with them, and they can now be found in most places of the world.

How well would it be to hold as a pet?

I actually believe the Clabbert holds well as a pet. It has served witches and wizards before, as it was use as a way to alarm them of muggles in America - a practice which is more frowned upon today since muggles still can see the creature. But, if you are interested in a pet which can bite really hard, but otherwise is like most frogs, then it is the perfect creature for a pet. A good suggestion if you do wish to hold a Clabbert is that you make sure to have something it can crawl on - a Clabbert is not going to thrive in a small cage, and requires to be able to jump which can be hard for most witches and wizards to give it.


Let me know underneath what you thought about the Clabbert! Would you be interested in holding it as a pet, or do you prefer for it to stay in the wild?

Let me know in the comments below if there is any other creatures you wish to learn more about - who knows, maybe it might be the perfect fit for you?

coded by noa