A Brilliant Member

Issue #1


written by
Alicia Arkwright
Hi everyone it's Alicia, Welcome to my first blog: A Brilliant Member! I'm so excited to introduce it and I really hope you enjoy it. Today we're going to welcome the person who got the most points, I'm talking about the wonderful Arabella Arkwright of course! let's get to the interwiew and have fun ♡
Alicia Arkwright
Hi! already congratulations on this incredible number of points, before we start this interview, can you quickly introduce yourself to the readers who don't know you?
Arabella Arkwright
Hello there! My name is Arabella Arkwright. I'm one of the many Arkwright children. I'm also a first-year Lion.
Alicia Arkwright
Nice! and what is your favorite way to get points?
Arabella Arkwright
My favorite way to earn points would either be doing riddles or grading homework. The riddles are always fun to answer and I love getting to read through other users' homework. They are always so well-written and interesting! It's incredible how much writing talent is on this site.
Alicia Arkwright
And in general, what is your favorite thing to do on WoP?
Arabella Arkwright
My favorite thing to do on WoP would be to talk to some of the amazing people here or work on character development.
Alicia Arkwright
You also have this beautiful snow color which means you are AT (assistant teacher)! can you tell us about your amazing job?
Arabella Arkwright
Well as an Assistant Teacher, you grade and handle disputes over homework assignments. Also, if anyone has questions or needs help with their homework we help them! (Psst there are some AT job openings at the moment so if this would suit you and you were interested, I definitely recommend applying!)
Alicia Arkwright
Thanks for taking the time to answer my questions! Do you have one last thing to say before we end this interview?
Arabella Arkwright
Everyone here is amazing and especially you Alicia! <3

Thanks again to Arabella for these wonderful answers, I really hope you liked this blog and enjoyed reading it. See you soon for a new blog, have a great day! ♡
coded by Issie