Hello lovely users, today we are going to be interviewing a wonderful user of the site so that you can get to know them better. As you can probably tell, they are a member of Ravenclaw house and many among us welcome her as Mama Eagle... Today's interview by Adrasteia is with the amazing Elsbeth Airehart!
elsbeth airehart

Adrasteia: On WoP UK who are you and what is your job?

Elsbeth: I am Elsbeth Anna Airehart, the head of Ravenclaw house. As the head of Ravenclaw, it's my job to welcome new Eagles into my house, keep on top of the Notice Board and help in the running of the Ravenclaw teams which includes Awards, Homework, Party and Quidditch. I also reward people for the hard work that they do by rewarding Eagle of the Week for the hardest working/friendliest/selfless individual in my house each week. But the most important part of my job is creating a safe and friendly environment for every individual I come across whether student or staff.

Adrasteia: Do you enjoy your job on the site?

Elsbeth: I do enjoy my job! There are sometimes lots of things to do and you sometimes wonder how one person can do everything but I love my Eagles with all my heart and they motivate me to find the time and energy to give them everything they deserve!

Adrasteia: How long IRL have you been doing said job?

Elsbeth: Since the 8th of March so I've not been doing it for too long IRL but I still think 3 and a half months of dedicating every weekend and a couple of nights a week to the Eagles is pretty impressive! I just hope that I can keep doing it and never leave because it is a pleasure to be Mama Eagle! (side note: This interview is slightly old by now)

Adrasteia: What are the fun and not so fun parts?

Elsbeth: Absolutely everything is fun! But, if I had to choose one thing then there is nothing like seeing all your ideas come together, as I said before, trying to get everything together can make you wonder how you can make it work but I find that bit fun as I love a challenge. I have to admit that anything involving interacting with my Eagles is the best part so things like Awards and Quidditch practice are my favourites! However, there isn't anything that isn't fun, if it wasn't fun then I would have left my job position by now! The Eagles make it worth it and seeing them happy makes me happy too. How could I wish for anything else?

Adrasteia: Is there anything special that you can do?

Elsbeth: I can sing! If anybody has ever heard random singing around the castle at night then the odds are that it wasn't a ghost but it was me! I absolutely adore music and before I came to Hogwarts to be Mama Eagle, I went to Muggle University to study Music as it was always my goal to become a Muggle Music teacher! But I left that dream when I realised just how much I missed Hogwarts. They say you have to put your soul into music but I seemingly left my soul in Hogwarts! I also played on the Ravenclaw Quidditch team as a Chaser during my time at Hogwarts so I would have to say I'm talented enough on a broom and I'm also fairly good academically, especially in Potions!

Adrasteia: Anything you think is important to know about you and that should always be known by any user?

Elsbeth: I'd say the most important thing is that I am quite young and have studied under a few staff due to my age. This means that if you're ever unsure on which classes to start on you can come and ask me because I know the Professors maybe a little bit too well both academically and personally! This also means (Especially for the older students) that I'd like to imagine that there's still a lot we have in common so I'd hope that people could turn to me about anything at all! And on that note, if anyone ever wants to know anything else about me, feel free to send me an owl as my owls are always open!

I would just like to thank Elsbeth for participating in the interview and Adrasteia for conducting the interview. So I wonder who we shall get to know next, however that is all we have for you now. Enjoy the rest of your day/night!

Spoiler alert: We will be running a competition in the coming weeks so please look out for the blog post about that!

Felicity Hathaway