Classy Adventures


Welcome welcome! It's time for another adventure that I've been waiting for. Perhaps put up your defenses and we can begin?

If you're new to this blog, I am Ilan Kim bringing you another edition of Classy Adventures! This blog is about... the different classes taught at the castle! Each addition includes information on classes, some cool aesthetics, and even a little section where you get to help fill in the blanks! Anyway, let's look into our class for today which is... Divination!

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What was Divination like many years ago? Did people still gaze into crystal balls and try to look for omens? If you've been wondering this, you've come to the right place.

Divination has always been an elective class at Hogwarts and was considered less core. Many students chose not to take it. There has been much debate around Divination and former headmaster Albus Dumbledore originally had decided to get rid of the course at this school as it was said to be obscure and inacurate.

This subject focused on reading omens in all sorts of different ways. This meant reading stuff like crystal balls and tea leaves, astrology, and much, much more.

Nowadays the subject is taught by Corvina Morgan and is taught from Years 3 through 7. There seems to be a lot to the subject so let's see what our very own professor says about the subject.

"The art of trusting your basic form of being, your instincts, divination is known as the power of seeing into the future that is simply not true. It is uncovering the puzzles of the present that presents possible paths of your future. Remember a rock, teacup, cards, or a shell will not give you the answers you seek, that power lies with you and you alone. I will help you unlock your inner eye, how far you go with the art is entirely up to you and your own power." - Professor Morgan

WHOA that certainly does sound super interesting! That's super interesting stuff and it sounds like the teaching methods might be different. Hmm perhaps take a trip to the Divination classroom with Professor Morgan?

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Ah, now, shall we enjoy some wonderful aesthetics?

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Every new edition, there's going to be a little... adventure! This will consist of a character (note: these characters are NPCs and do not actually exist on site) having an adventure at the featured class of the week! But I'm going to need your help! How? It's up to you to fill in the blanks. Have you ever heard of mad libs? Well, that's what we're going to be doing. Each week, there will be adjectives, nouns, all those fun stuff for you to fill out in the comments and one person's suggestions will go into the next week's adventure!

And thank you so much to everyone who filled out the mad lib last week! And this week, thank you Amelia Williams for filling it out and congratulations on being featured. Ready for the adventure?

It all felt like a guessing game. A game of go fish, a game that was all about luck. And Aislynn had been trying to guess omens for 3 hours and 27 minutes now. Divination just was just so ugly. The predictions she would make and the symbols she ran didn’t seem to mean anything. The 14-year-old stared into the tea leaves in her teacup, attempting to see something interesting. And then… What was that? It was like a few letters were forming. Aislynn snuck another peek and saw the letters forming before her eyes. “LHAF”. The teenager let out a gasp and covered her right elbow. Hopefully this prediction would not be true.

What an interesting story... I must say that I have to ask how you can cover your right elbow!

Would you like a chance to have what you would put in the blanks featured? Well, well, next week's adventure is a surprise but whatever you might comment could definitely change the story a little! So make sure to fill this out in the comments!
  • adjective
  • noun
  • muggle school subject
  • number
  • verb
I cannot wait to see what next week's adventure turns out to be and what it's like but I guess we'll have to find out! Don't forget to fill out the blanks in the comments- OH and did I mention that everyone who fills in the blanks gets a prize? So go go!

Well, well, I hope you've had a wonderful time reading this blog- I've had a great time writing it! Make sure to stay tuned for the next post and next adventure in two weeks!

Thank you for reading and make sure to go do your Divination homework!

Ilan Kim

coded by Magnolia