Hogwarts Pokemon
Let's play Pokemon, the Wizarding way! All you have to do is guess where these events took place, and it will lead you to 5 Chocolate Frogs! Just send me an owl with your guess by the end of the month! You might even get to pick the next location!
Last Week's Winners
Last week's location was in fact The Hospital Wing. As you could see, the layout for the Hogwarts Hospital Wing was likely crafted after the old wartime hospital wings of the 20th century.

Congratulations to Cordelia Wolff winning five chocolate frogs!
This Week's Clues
In the heart of London, England lies a wizard's nirvana of butterbeer and other goodies. This is a popular spot that also acts as a gateway to the alleys where witches and wizards can buy supplies.

This building is located on Charing Cross Road, but according to Muggles they think that it is simply a abanondoned old shop. However, before the Statute of Secrecy, Muggles were more than welcome to enter the establishment.

Know the answer?
Send an Owl my way to receive five Chocolate Frogs!

Max Paige
© Code by Aliyah
Edited by Adelaide