
Hello one and all! Welcome back to the blog, I have spent the last day working out our winners so those will be announced here today. HOWEVER, I would first like to thank the wonderful people who helped me behind the scenes. Averie thank you for your love and support in coming up with this! I would also like to thank Miss Pear for being amazing and helping me gather everyone’s answers together, couldn’t have done this without you!


Now to announce the winners which I am sure that you all have been waiting for. They will each be receiving 75 Galleons and 10 chocolate frog cards each because they all got exactly the same score. So I do ask you to congratulate...

Francis Farnese
Emily Tanner
Gilbert Kerrington

Massive congratulations to you! I would also like to thank everyone that entered the competition because it makes it all worthwhile. Short note before I leave you to your evening: we are looking for new members to our little team/family so if you want to join please apply! Enjoy the rest of your night and day
