Northwood's Magical Encounter #012
Are you interested in the fantastic magical beasts of our world? Have you ever wondered what it would require to have creatures such as Jobberknolls or even Lethifolds as pets? Then fear no more! Through Northwoods Magical Encounters you get to learn more about your upcoming pet, alongside what it would require of you to hold it. Make sure to read every edition, and you will soon find the perfect pet for you!

- From : Daphne Leung

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Ira Honeywood

Ira Honeywood Amazing blog :3 I don't think I'll be running to get a dugbog though, they slightly creep me out D:

Sebastian Worthington

Sebastian Worthington I love Dugbogs, but if I had one as a pet, where would I keep it? Not in the bathtub...

Waylen Choi

Waylen Choi ohhhhh :think: hmm, definitely an interesting being, but as a pet? hmm, yeah no I'll have to skip this one. Lovely blog, Leander! <3

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